Ruth is a picture of what it looks like to trust God in the hard seasons of life. The story of Ruth is the story of you and me.

Dear families,
The story of Ruth is an incredible story. We see how gracious and good God is. We see the providential care God has for a woman who was not Jewish. She was from Moab—a descendant of Lot, not a child of Abraham. Yet, she became a recipient of God's promise to Abraham because salvation is a gift and is received by faith.
Ruth was married to a Hebrew man who died. She returned to Israel from Moab with her mother-in-law. Ruth was an outsider, a woman without a husband in a land that was not her own. Ruth was vulnerable, but what we see so beautifully in her story is that God protected her and provided for her. In the middle of a famine, God provided food to sustain Ruth. God did more than that; He ultimately provided a husband who redeemed her and saved her from destruction.
Ruth is a picture of what it looks like to trust God in the hard seasons of life. The story of Ruth is the story of you and me. We are outsiders who have no hope in a world cursed by sin. But God did not leave us that way. He provides for us, sustains us, and ultimately redeems us through Jesus.
Ruth brought nothing to her relationship with Boaz but her own need. Boaz saw Ruth, loved her, and redeemed her. From this loving act of redemption, it was from the family of their great-grandson that Jesus would come into the world and in His great love for people, redeem all who put their trust in Him alone.
God shows us His desire to redeem all those who belong to Him by including Ruth in the lineage of Jesus. Remember that in Jesus, we have hope no matter how hopeless our situation looks. Jesus is more than just a friend. He is our kinsman-redeemer.
Check out the resources below designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities. You can also find the Adult Daily Discipleship Guide that accompanies our adult groups.
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
Preschool: Boaz was a family redeemer. He helped his close relatives. Boaz bought back what his relatives lost. Jesus is our Redeemer. He bought our salvation by dying on the cross for our sin.
Kids: Boaz was a family redeemer. He helped his close relatives who were in trouble. Boaz cared for Ruth and Naomi because their husbands had died. In a similar way, Jesus is our Redeemer. We need help because we sin. Jesus bought our salvation for us by taking our punishment when He died on the cross.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
Preschool: What is the punishment for sin? The punishment for sin is death.
Kids: What is the fair payment for sin? The fair payment for sin is death.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
Preschool: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned - every one - to his own way. (Isaiah 53:6a)
Kids: All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned - every one - to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6)
At Home
Family Prayer
Mornings: Praise God for the friends who love you, help you, and encourage you to follow God. What qualities make a great friend? How are these people a gift from God to you?
Evenings: Thank God for your family. Thank Him for the ways He has used them to protect and provide for you. Ask God to remind you of how Jesus has provided the forgiveness that we need and how trusting in Him means we are welcome into God’s family!
Family Activities
For Fun: Do some research to discover more about your family lineage. Interview older relatives or use photo albums to introduce your kids to their heritage. As you talk about your family, discuss the story of Ruth. Talk about what it means to be a part of God’s family and how Jesus has made that possible through His sacrifice.
To Serve: Make cards or treats for the widows in your local church. Talk with kids about how Jesus is our comfort in hard times and how everyone who believes in Him is welcomed into God’s family.
Family Worship
Adult Daily Discipleship Guide
** Next week: God Provided for Hannah (1 Samuel 1–3)